My acquaintance with architecture is more than 10 years. Since the very first day I've been being haunted by the same question: What is architecture ? ... I knew (even from a layman's perception) that there were contradictions among schools to relate architecture either to engineering or to art. None of my tutors convinced me in one . And then, I came across the quote: 'Architecture is a frozen Music'... It made me frown : hmmm... first science, then art... and now Music!! ...bloody hell!! ... No,its not that I hate music, rather I am one of those persons who can listen to music with their minds ear, its the love of my life, so I wondered if I can ever feel in the same way for architecture? would that be possible??
Along with design studios, I had to attend loads of theory courses... starting from art and music, history, theories , psychology , philosophy to some courses on structural, mechanical, electrical engineering... and even some courses from business school . like - management and accounting! I thought our university was trying hard to make me a 'Jack of all trade' but , unfortunately, they were completely unaware of the side effect of making me so, as it turnd out, I was gradually becoming : ' A Master of none' . If architecture requires such a massive volume of knowledge, I wonder why the hell we didn't start studying it in our school since grade 1?
However, thats another issue I have discussed it in my blog on 'our Entangled knowledge', through the courses of my studies, I somehow inclined more towards theory and criticism of architecture... and I began to realize the importance of interdisciplinary approach of architecture studies, ( not merely multidisciplinary!)...and after having read few texts, I realized the necessity of developing my own 'design philosophy' ... thus I was nearly convinced that Architecture is very close to Philosophy!... But to be certain I decided to study more on architectural philosophy... and in order to search for those answers, to be more certain, I came to London to do my MA Architecture: Interpretation and Theories, where I met my new tutor Andrew Higgott, and he asserted in his first lecture: "Architecture is neithre a science, nor an art. but it is a Culture, its a cultural practice!" ... Well, he didn't confuse me to be honest; rather this was the time when I was more convinced than ever before.... yet, my quest didn't stop. I wanted to be certain... so I thought, re-thought, and re-re-thought... eventually, somehow I felt that, Architecture is more of a literary discourse, than anything else. And yes, it is a cultural practice.
This blog is an attempt to explore if my thoughts are in line with my feelings.